S smiley61799 Apr 20, 2009 #1 When you do not have information for a cell how do you get it to leave the cell blank or return a zero as opposed to the #N/A
When you do not have information for a cell how do you get it to leave the cell blank or return a zero as opposed to the #N/A
R Ron Coderre Apr 20, 2009 #2 Typically, you would pre-test for the item to find.... Here are a couple ways: =IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH("find_me",A1:A10,0)),VLOOKUP("find_me",A1:C10,3,0),"") or =IF(COUNTIF("find_me",A1:A10),VLOOKUP("find_me",A1:C10,3,0),"") Is that something you can work with? Regards, Ron Coderre Microsoft MVP (Excel)
Typically, you would pre-test for the item to find.... Here are a couple ways: =IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH("find_me",A1:A10,0)),VLOOKUP("find_me",A1:C10,3,0),"") or =IF(COUNTIF("find_me",A1:A10),VLOOKUP("find_me",A1:C10,3,0),"") Is that something you can work with? Regards, Ron Coderre Microsoft MVP (Excel)
D Dave Peterson Apr 20, 2009 #3 In xl2003, you can use a formula like: =if(isna(vlookup(...)),"",vlookup(...)) or =if(isna(vlookup(...)),0,vlookup(...)) In xl2007, you can use the =iferror() function. =iferror(vlookup(...),"")
In xl2003, you can use a formula like: =if(isna(vlookup(...)),"",vlookup(...)) or =if(isna(vlookup(...)),0,vlookup(...)) In xl2007, you can use the =iferror() function. =iferror(vlookup(...),"")
S smiley61799 Apr 20, 2009 #4 I am not good at this at all, novice at best. This is my current formula, are you able to tell me how to alter my formula to yield a - or 0? I appreciate your help =VLOOKUP(F12:F45,Sheet3!G4:H51,2,FALSE)
I am not good at this at all, novice at best. This is my current formula, are you able to tell me how to alter my formula to yield a - or 0? I appreciate your help =VLOOKUP(F12:F45,Sheet3!G4:H51,2,FALSE)