Hi Russ,
Thanks for the reply and for helping me to troubleshoot this.
Maybe I followed your instructions incorrectly, but it still doesn't seem
Here's what I did:
1. In Outlook, clicked "Tools" --> "Email Accounts" --> "View or Change
Existing Directories or Address Books"
2. Selected "Outlook Address Book (MAPI)" and clicked "Remove".
3. Restarted Outlook
4. Returned to Address Books section and clicked "Add"
5. Clicked "Additional Address Books"
6. Clicked "Outlook Address Book"
7. Restarted Outlook.
8. Selected each of my Address Books, clicked "Properties" --> "Outlook
Address Book" tab --> Checked "Show this folder as an e-mail Address Book,
and named them (they still had their previous names).
9. Restarted Outlook.
10. Typed the beginning of an email address in a new email: "adam@..."
11. It pre-filled, so I hit delete.
12. Clicked the "Check Names" button on the toolbar. It found my address
"Adam Smith".
13. Then...I went to an existing email from Adam Smith, already in my
14. I right-clicked his address in the email and selected "Outlook
Properties". It showed me the E-mail Properties with his name, address,
and format.
15. Clicked "Cancel"
16. Right-clicked his address again and selected "Look up Contact".
17. Received the error "Could not find a contact with this e-mail address"
(and show help). The "Show Help" Button revealed:
This error can occur if you click Look Up Contact for an e-mail ID of a
who is not part of your local contacts list.
I know that the contact exists, but it's in my "Friends" Address Book.
I drag the contact out of the "Friends" Address Book and into the
Address Book (which came default in Outlook), and then repeated the "Look
Contact" Process, it opened his record.
It just seems that for some reason, my other address books (other than
"Contacts") are NOT being searched when I perform "Look up Contact".
Obviously, this is frustrating because if I get an email from Adam (or
anyone) asking me to call them, I'd like to right-click their name, Look
up, and call the number from their Contact Listing. Right now, it can't
it so I have to remember which address book they're filed in, scroll to
them (which is difficult if they don't have their name listed in the email
address), and double-click. I can do a contact search, but I'd like this
function to work for me.
Bear in mind, I'm on Outlook 2003, not running exchange, and all address
books ("contacts", "business", "clients", "family", "friends", etc..) hav
box checked that says "Show this folder as an e-mail Address Book".
Other info:
1. general tab says "show number of unread items" and is checked.
2. Says "When posting to this folder, use" IPM.Contact
3. Says "Automatically generate Microsoft Exchange views
4. Activities has "Contacts" Name and "Contacts" folder listed, and upon
modification, says "Search Subfolders"
5. Default Activities view (in Activities tab) says "All Items"
6. Administration tab has "Initial View on Folder" set to normal on all
address books.
7. Forms tab is empty.
Please let me know if you can help. Thanks for your time.