Look out Look out, there is a Super Moon about!


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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The reason that the supermoon this month is particularly special is because the moon will be even closer to Earth than it has been for decades, so it will be bigger and brighter than you will ever have seen in your entire life!

Usually, a supermoon is about 14% bigger and 30% brighter than a full moon when it is further away from the Earth.

beg, borrow a pair of binoculars and be prepared for a big surprise.


I hope that some of you who have good night-sky views, will have their cameras at the ready. :) We have a lot of trees which make moon-viewing a bit difficult.
I thought this was last night/this morning... I think its going to be cloudy by the looks of it but I'll keep an eye out.
Thats if the clouds don't spoil the view!

As if that could happen with glorious November weather in the UK :lol:!

Saw it briefly through the clouds, but I'm going to have another look in a bit :).

Usually, a supermoon is about 14% bigger and 30% brighter than a full moon when it is further away from the Earth.

I was asking Bex about this yesterday, as I had assumed that a supermoon was only going to be a marginally amount bigger/brighter - but that's actually quite a significant amount! Nice to have those figures.
Still we wont have to worry about in about 5 million years time. The moon will have moved to far away.We wont even have eclipses anymore, I`ll be so far out.
Absolutely clear sky here tonight. :thumb: Away in cloudy East Anglia yesterday.

I must say that the moon does not look particularly big but it is quite bright. It's not quite as close as yesterday but there can't be much in it, distancewise, in 24 hours. It's about 45 degrees above the horizon at the moment and I know that it always looks bigger when it'd down near ground level. Maybe another look tomorrow. :)
Hissing down with rain here so no chance of seeing a super moon as yesterday was the same in the Southeast:mad: