ATI has just released the Radeon X1800XT based on the R520 core. Comes
with 512MB of video memory too. This card is set to shake out the
current video graphics king (the Nvidia Geforce 7800GTX) off its crown.
I'm not sure about you guys, but don't you think the computer industry
is getting a little too involved in video cards? That's where all the
R&D money is being poured, it seems. I mean, we can only go so far with
faster motherboards and CPUs.
Best Regards,
Gary Hendricks
Thats why theres so much concentration there and the move to dual core
instead just speed. There were articles about INTEL having problems
trying to just boost the hertz ratings and people have for a while
said they dont really need more speed to surf the net and do word
processing. So the only real areas of impact are dual cores for
allowing better multitasking which may have a real impact for some and
The entire industry obviously is built on quick obsolesence to force
people to buy a whole new wave of products every year or two. The big
problem in the PC area is , its really dependant on a new OS to bog
their older systems down to force everyone to move en masse to new
systems because of the old argument that even old systems can surf the
web etc. But MS is really slow with numerous delays with new OS
versions. When you move to a new OS then all the drivers and support
moves with it so it forces everybody to move even if they were fine
with an older system except for a few who still want to maintain old
WIN ME and WIN98 systems.
Games are cool cause theres still big room for improvement so its like
the old days where new games completely bog things down unless you buy
new vid cards etc. They are going to be in big trouble when they hot a
plateau where improvements arent that great.
I think movies are getting there too. There was this big jump in
effects - no CG and CG in the 80s and they applied it to old formulas
all the way up to the 2000s and now its getting to be old hat.
Theyve got to do something cause the savior for the developed
economies was that the cheaper manufacturing countries can take over
more and more of the basic manufacturing which was opposed from the
60s-80s but accepted as a complimentary scheme - they make that stuff
more and more and we make high tech etc which was booming in the 90s
but its already getting saturated in a lot of fields slower growth and
a lot of hyped areas of high tech didnt pan out.
I think Ive read ATI was losing money right now. Its kind of like that
phrase they used a lot in the 90s profitless prosperity. A lof of
firms under the high tech bubble delusion were hiring and spending
like crazy eventhough they were losing money creating a climate where
there was a feeling of great prosperity unitl the high tech bubble
crashed. They are doing the Xbox I think now arent they? Maybe losing
money on that one or hardly making a profit and planning on making
improving profit with a higher profit margin new set of CPU cards that
sell for some ridiculous prices again as the old ones continue to drop
in price.
Im kind of surprised they didnt make more of a difference with the
800XL line which I thought was the start of a $150-200 800XL and
similar cheap ATI cards that would quicklydecimate nvidia 6600GT and
6800 sales.