Look at all the Ubuntu users

  • Thread starter Thread starter Manfred Nathanal Hollingsworth
  • Start date Start date
Your brain has the computing power of a 1960's vacuume tube.

Perhaps because your head too is a vacuum

A vacuum tube has as much "computing power" as today's replacement,
the transistor, would. (As a single relay that would be just about

Translation: you once again demonstrate that you have no idea what you
are talking about.
ray said:
OK, but I happen to know of 20 in the little town of Chubbuck, ID -

OK- Add 17 to the count and give yourself another 50 bonus users. Still
doesn't come near the 10 million that Alias squawks about daily.
Alias says that there are over 10 million Ubuntu users.

Take a look at the numbers.


As if every Ubuntu user would register. Have you registered all your
Windows installs?
Now, there is a link to "The Linux Counter" which posts the number of
registered users and machines. I would believe this is more like the
actual number out there.  Eat your heart out Alias.  Just FYI.


Hey, I got the 10 million from YOUR numbers, chum, and I was being

Alias said:
As if every Ubuntu user would register. Have you registered all your
Windows installs?

Hey, I got the 10 million from YOUR numbers, chum, and I was being


Sorry. You are delusional again. I NEVER said that 10 million idiots
use that INFERIOR OS Ubuntu.

Maybe 10 million have downloaded some form of Linux distro over the last
20 years but no way in hell do that many people use that piece of crap.

Live with it.
OK- Add 17 to the count and give yourself another 50 bonus users. Still
doesn't come near the 10 million that Alias squawks about daily.

Extrapolating from the 15000 population here, would indicate at least
400000 in the U.S.
FB said:
Put a card table with a placard near the entrance with the below question
on it, have a clipboard ready for their answer(s):

Which do you use:

90% of supermarket customers wouldn't have a CLUE as to what their OS is
Manfred Nathanal Hollingsworth said:
OK- Add 17 to the count and give yourself another 50 bonus users. Still
doesn't come near the 10 million that Alias squawks about daily.

And of course you know of an infallible way to count the number of
installations of an OS that is free, has no restrictions on the number of
installs from one CD download, may be given away, as many copies as you like
made, no activation needed, no registration needed or asked for, etc etc,
You can have NO idea of the numbers, so how on earth do you come to your
Sorry.  You are delusional again.  I NEVER said that 10 million idiots
use that INFERIOR OS Ubuntu.

You have posted the one per cent figure many, many, many times. All it
takes is simple arithmetic to find out how many computers one per cent
Maybe 10 million have downloaded some form of Linux distro over the last
20 years but no way in hell do that many people use that piece of crap.

Live with it.

Net stats say you're a liar but what else is new?

Gordon said:
90% of supermarket customers wouldn't have a CLUE as to what their OS is

Err <sigh> you have spoken to 90% of supermarket customers? Err. How do
you know, Err, that they wouldn't have an Err Clue <sigh>?
Gordon said:
And of course you know of an infallible way to count the number of
installations of an OS that is free, has no restrictions on the number
of installs from one CD download, may be given away, as many copies as
you like made, no activation needed, no registration needed or asked
for, etc etc, etc.........
You can have NO idea of the numbers, so how on earth do you come to your

Err <sigh> I am not the one who states, Err, that there are 10 million
users. Err. IDIOT. I am the one, Err, who says there is no way of
knowing, Err <sigh> how many, Err users there are you ****TARD. Err.
Alias said:
You have posted the one per cent figure many, many, many times. All it
takes is simple arithmetic to find out how many computers one per cent

Net stats say you're a liar but what else is new?


That shows you how STUPID you really are. I say LESS THAN. Do you
understand what "Less than" means? I guess not.

Now go smoke another BOWL. When I say ANOTHER, I mean a new BOWL. Even
if you haven't smoked a BOWL today you have smoked a BOWL in the past.
That means if you smoke a BOWL, it is different. Got it?
Sorry but using only 20 as a sample base is not sufficient for any
accurate (+/-3%) sample that can be accurately extrapolated.

Don't recall claiming any particular accuracy - but as least as accurate
as OP's claim.
If you really want to gather an accurate sample base that can be
accurately extrapolated then you need a scientifically conducted
randomly sampled survey of more than 125 persons. No shills, plants or
ringers allowed. None of your linux club members can know what you're up
The best place to conduct one of these is where most all types
(social/economically speaking) of people go...to the Super Market.
Weekends are best.
Put a card table with a placard near the entrance with the below
question on it, have a clipboard ready for their answer(s):

Which do you use:


as your operating system.

If they say Windows, ask which version (most may not know). Do the same
for all answers.

Obviously, any linux user will/should know which distro they use. For
multi-booters of Windows/linux mark the one that they use the most.

Report back when you've go the info!
Oh and have fun...in person surveys can be very interesting!

Didn't make any accuracy claims. Merely disputing the OP's outrageous
That shows you how STUPID you really are.  I say LESS THAN.  Do you
understand what "Less than" means?  I guess not.

I used the figures on the net stat page you quoted.
Now go smoke another BOWL.  When I say ANOTHER, I mean a new BOWL.  Even
if you haven't smoked a BOWL today you have smoked a BOWL in the past.
That means if you smoke a BOWL, it is different.  Got it?

You need to lay off bowls, son.
