I have a web page that does not fit all on the screen vertically.
At the bottom I have a submit button,
When I click on the Submit button and have Validation Errors at the top.
the user is unable to see the Errors on top of the page.
I know that maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack is not in the picture yet.
Do I need some special set up here?
Is there a way to make the page to scroll up or down to the first Validation
I need some Ideas.
Thank you,
I have a web page that does not fit all on the screen vertically.
At the bottom I have a submit button,
When I click on the Submit button and have Validation Errors at the top.
the user is unable to see the Errors on top of the page.
I know that maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack is not in the picture yet.
Do I need some special set up here?
Is there a way to make the page to scroll up or down to the first Validation
I need some Ideas.
Thank you,