I've noticed that if I do a long video processing project with
VirtualDub, it has an odd effect on the computer. It causes it to
intermittently seize or freeze. Not lock up altogether but if you drag
the mouse across the screen it moves - sticks - moves - sticks. Ditto
if you play an audio file - plays - glitches - plays - glitches.
Rebooting fixes it.
For example, I just processed a video that's almost 2 hours long with
a Deshaker filter in VirtualDub. Took over a day to process step 1, at
the end of step 1, it exhibited the above symptom. Rebooted, things
were okay. Then applied step 2 which is actually applying the filter
and saving the processed file which took over 6 hours, at the end of
which the machine exhibits the same symptom. And again, reboot, all is
back to normal.
Any idea why this is?
Running XP Home, P4 2.4 gig, Soyo Dragon mobo.
Thanks for all input
VirtualDub, it has an odd effect on the computer. It causes it to
intermittently seize or freeze. Not lock up altogether but if you drag
the mouse across the screen it moves - sticks - moves - sticks. Ditto
if you play an audio file - plays - glitches - plays - glitches.
Rebooting fixes it.
For example, I just processed a video that's almost 2 hours long with
a Deshaker filter in VirtualDub. Took over a day to process step 1, at
the end of step 1, it exhibited the above symptom. Rebooted, things
were okay. Then applied step 2 which is actually applying the filter
and saving the processed file which took over 6 hours, at the end of
which the machine exhibits the same symptom. And again, reboot, all is
back to normal.
Any idea why this is?
Running XP Home, P4 2.4 gig, Soyo Dragon mobo.
Thanks for all input