Windows XP Long Running CHKDSK

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Mar 18, 2010
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I suspect that I have a bad sector on my hard drive, as I keep getting a blue screen and CHKDSK will not complete.

It was suggested that I run CHKDSK with the repair option, but it's been running for 132 hours!!! Will it ever stop? It's on phase 4 at 39% and has been in that one location almost the whole time. Should I just go ahead and stop it at this point, or is there any chance of CHKDSK completing on its own?

Will a log file be generated if I stop the CHKDSK? Are there any other options for repairing the disk?

Windows XP (32-bit), should have the latest SP and updates
AMD Athlon 64 (can't recall specific model)
1/2 GB memory


Michael K. Craghead
welcome to PCR

You have a bad hard drive, replace it.

I've been using HDD Regenerator for the last 4 years, with great success. It does what CHKDSK can't do.

(I'm in no way affiliated with the guy, just found his software by chance on a Hiren's CD )
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muckshifter strikes again

hello everyone,
I am here to discuss ...

[I'm the boogie man, you been boogied ... have a nice day.] :wave:
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