Long pause before ie6 launches


Harry Ziman

I use IE6 with Outlook express and Windows XP SP2.

The first time I click a link in an e-mail message it takes IE6 several
seconds to launch properly and start downloading the appropriate window - it
used to happen immediately. It then works fine until I log out again.

My dialup connection is busy throughout the pause so something is going on
during this period. Both IE6 and Outlook express are "frozen" during this
period and it is definitely not caused by downloading the requested page.

I run AVG antivirus and this is current. Also the Windows firewall.

Any ideas


PA Bear

...it is definitely not caused by downloading the requested page.

How do you know this? What is the default startpage? If you change it to
'blank', does the behaviour persist?

Harry Ziman

PA Bear said:
How do you know this? What is the default startpage? If you change it to
'blank', does the behaviour persist?

It is an assumption - granted. The home page is the default MSN one (for the

Let me be more explicit to see if it helps.

- I log into windows as usual.
- Open Outlook express, connect (via ISDN) and down load e-mail. Note IE6
is not open yet.
- Click on a URL in an e-mail. e.g. an e-bay page in a message from e-bay
(but it happens with any link)
- The pause occurs while IE6 opens, hangs (and the "connections" icon shows
activity, as does the byte count)
- The hang clears itself, IE6 becomes responsive again and the page starts
to load as normal.

The problem occurs only the first time after logging on. Not subsequently.

Hope that helps.


Jon Kennedy

This delay in opening IE can be caused by Temporary Internet Files or
History folders that have become too large or corrupted. See this site for
how to totally clear these two folders back to their original empty state:
IE reads through these folders when initially opening, so that may be the
cause of the problem.

PA Bear

If you change it--
~PA Bear

Harry said:
It is an assumption - granted. The home page is the default MSN one (for
the UK).

Let me be more explicit to see if it helps.

- I log into windows as usual.
- Open Outlook express, connect (via ISDN) and down load e-mail. Note IE6
is not open yet.
- Click on a URL in an e-mail. e.g. an e-bay page in a message from e-bay
(but it happens with any link)
- The pause occurs while IE6 opens, hangs (and the "connections" icon
shows activity, as does the byte count)
- The hang clears itself, IE6 becomes responsive again and the page
starts to load as normal.

The problem occurs only the first time after logging on. Not subsequently.

Hope that helps.


Harry Ziman

I followed this process and also tried changing the home page and the
problem has now resolved. I don't know which action was responsible for this
but thanks to all who helped.

Jon Kennedy

You're most welcome, Harry. Thanks for getting back to us and telling of
your successful resolution to your problem.

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