Long duration of performing a command

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fyodor Koryazhkin
  • Start date Start date

Fyodor Koryazhkin


During execution of some ciclyc commands such as xcopy or "for" cycle I do
not want to show the user what is going on behind the scene i.e. redirectig
the output of the command to nul or a log file. But from the other side I
would like to notify the user that the program is not stuck, espcially during
long-time consuming "for" cycle.

Is there any possibility to show the user some moving signs such as spinning
slash or moving dots or something like that?

Thank you.
Fyodor Koryazhkin said:

During execution of some ciclyc commands such as xcopy or "for" cycle I do
not want to show the user what is going on behind the scene i.e.
redirectig the output of the command to nul or a log file. But from the
other side I would like to notify the user that the program is not stuck,
espcially during long-time consuming "for" cycle.

Is there any possibility to show the user some moving signs such as
spinning slash or moving dots or something like that?

Thank you.

No doubt it could be done - it really depends on what kind of display you
want, how accurate you want the display and the precise details of your

For instance, you could create a new batch (xcopy_process.bat) which did the
XCOPY then deleted a flag file (flag_file.) THEN, in your main procedure you
could try

START /min "" xcopy_process
ping -n 5 >nul
if exist flag_file echo at %date %time% XCOPY was continuing&goto loop
echo XCOPY finished...

Or, along the same lines if you were XCOPYing to a new directory

START /min "" xcopy_process
ping -n 5 >nul
for /f %%i in ('dir \destinationdirectory^|find "File(s)" ') do set yfc=%%i
if exist flag_file echo at %date %time% %yfc% files copied&goto loop
echo finished copying %yfc% files

Or perhaps if you structure your code appropriately,

set yfc=0
for %%i in (\path\filemask) do call :monitor&xcopy "%%i" \destination
set /a yfc=1+yfc
if not yfc==10 goto :eof
echo at %date% %time% continuing
set yfc=0

....many ways - depends on your requirements. More info needed.

