I don't know, some friends of ours who moved over here from America a year or so ago would't use broadband here on principal because the prices are so ridiculous. In the city that he came from in the US (can't remember which one) He said free wifi was provided within the city by the city council as a public service. And there were organisations that recycled older computers (people upgrade pretty often there aparently) & cellphones selling (or giving) them to poorer people at token prices so that 'no-one, whatever their income level, should be cut off from the web & the international access & opportunities that it provides'.
Have to say I really liked the idea

wonder if I could convince the council here?
But no
Mayor Chin is convinced that we need a $91 million indoor sports stadium instead (despite the fact that our current one -carisbrook, affectionately known as 'The Brook'- works fine & no one wants a new one, & most people reckon sticking our team indoors will only soften them up. Rugby is about being cold & wet & muddy after all

why else does he think we only play it in winter... duh)
Obviously he must be right though... right?
Can't think of a better reason to put our rates up myself

Whoops... OT sorry