My logon scripts doesn't work on windows 98 SE.
I want to map a network drive on users logon. If the logon is done in a W2k Pro machine it works, but not in a Win98 machine. The escript is someting like that
net use * /delete /y (to remove any mapped drive
net use x: \\server\share (to crete a new mapped drive
Is there anything wrong on my script ? If not, what do I have to do to it work on Wi 98 computers
The logon is a .bat file and it's on NETLOGON share in a W2K Server. The profile was setted too
I want to map a network drive on users logon. If the logon is done in a W2k Pro machine it works, but not in a Win98 machine. The escript is someting like that
net use * /delete /y (to remove any mapped drive
net use x: \\server\share (to crete a new mapped drive
Is there anything wrong on my script ? If not, what do I have to do to it work on Wi 98 computers
The logon is a .bat file and it's on NETLOGON share in a W2K Server. The profile was setted too