Logon script

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yeahoo
  • Start date Start date


How can you create a login script that only runs when a
user logon to the terminal server not when they logon to
their local PC?
Place the logon script in the My Documents and
Settings/username/start menu/programs/startup folder on
the terminal server.
Write a launch script with a line something to the effect of

if %computername%==terminalservername terminalscript.bat

Carl Foreman
Hello Vera,

In your reply you told to Start the login script in %
systemroot%\system32\UsrLogon.cmd ... But I got only one
option to put the login script. What I want is I want to
run a different login script when the user login using
terminal server or stop runnung the standard login script
while running the terminal server client..

Can you help...

My contact is

(e-mail address removed)
+44 207 0295330

