for some reason when trying to run a pps using a logon script bat file, the
pps file does not open in slideshow view, but opens in powerpoint
presentation. here is the part of the script which i am trying to run for new
starters so when they logon it is a welcome screen and information
REM **** Create Tag folder if not already there****
If exist x:newstarter\ goto end
mkdir x:newstarter\
rem **** copy to local drive and open as slideshow ******
xcopy "H:\exchange\test.pps" "x:newstarter\" /i /y
start POWERPNT.EXE "x:\my documents\newstarter\test.pps" /max
pps file does not open in slideshow view, but opens in powerpoint
presentation. here is the part of the script which i am trying to run for new
starters so when they logon it is a welcome screen and information
REM **** Create Tag folder if not already there****
If exist x:newstarter\ goto end
mkdir x:newstarter\
rem **** copy to local drive and open as slideshow ******
xcopy "H:\exchange\test.pps" "x:newstarter\" /i /y
start POWERPNT.EXE "x:\my documents\newstarter\test.pps" /max