Paul Griffith
OK I know how to change the logon screen saver. I have a small batch
file to do it as part of our install process and it works. What I
would like to do is use our university logo and have it move around
the screen.
How do I have my scr file move around the screen like logon.scr ?
:: Install a blank screen saver
@echo off
copy /y %Z%\packages\blank.scr %WinDir%\system32
:: Change logo screenscaver from logon.scr to blank.scr
reg add "HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop" /v SCRNSAVE.EXE /t REG_SZ
/d blank.scr /f > nul
:: Change blanking time to 60 seconds
reg add "HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop" /v ScreenSaveTimeOut /t
REG_SZ /d 60 /f > nul
file to do it as part of our install process and it works. What I
would like to do is use our university logo and have it move around
the screen.
How do I have my scr file move around the screen like logon.scr ?
:: Install a blank screen saver
@echo off
copy /y %Z%\packages\blank.scr %WinDir%\system32
:: Change logo screenscaver from logon.scr to blank.scr
reg add "HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop" /v SCRNSAVE.EXE /t REG_SZ
/d blank.scr /f > nul
:: Change blanking time to 60 seconds
reg add "HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop" /v ScreenSaveTimeOut /t
REG_SZ /d 60 /f > nul