Logon.scr error message. Cannot log into my Vista machine..help!

  • Thread starter Thread starter DreamGirlB
  • Start date Start date


Greetings all,

I'm having a terrible time with my ultimate Vista machine. It boots up and
after a black screen appears for about 6 minutes finally the logon screen
appears. I see the icons for both of the user accounts but when I click on
them, nothing happens it does not allow me to enter a password. You can tell
in the background its doing stuff. I've let it sit this way for a day.
I've also booted into safemode with the same event, except I get the
logon.scr application failed to initialize properly, and then the screen goes

I've booted to the Vista cd, and ran a repair which told me I need to
disconnect any camera or music devics (everything is disconnected)
I also restored to a very early point- still same problem
I've run memory diagnostic- still same problem- memory is ok.

I can't get into my machine! I really need help getting passed this.

Have you tried loading the "last known good configuration"?

It sounds like something has corrupted the winlogon registry key. If the
above doesn't fix it, you'll need to either a) do a fresh installation or b)
load the registry hive from a bootable, self-contained OS like BartPE and
fix it.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
My thoughts http://rick-mvp.blogspot.com