would like to avoid having to go through the logon step completely. is there
a simple
fix? thanks for any and all help.
a simple
fix? thanks for any and all help.
gallifry said:would like to avoid having to go through the logon step completely.
is there a simple
fix? thanks for any and all help.
Ken Blake said:Sorry, I'm not at all sure what you mean here. Are you asking how to logon
automatically without selecting a user and supplying a password?
If so, go to Start | Run, and type "control userpasswords2" Select the
account you want to logon to automatically. Then uncheck the box "Users must
enter a user name and password to use this computer."
Or do the same thing with TweakUI.
Ken Blake - Microsoft MVP Windows: Shell/User
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yes, that is exactly what i wanted. thank you.