Logon / Logoff Scripts for Domain - Active Directory Server

  • Thread starter Thread starter Archcol
  • Start date Start date


This does works for a Local Computer Logon/Logoff:

Is it possible to implement a Domain Script on a server
(Win2K server / Active Directory) to initiate the
logon/logoff script each time a domain client logs on/off
of the domain?

We already have a logon script implemented for all domain
users each time there is a logon (this is done easily on
the domain server using the user properties dialog box, I
believe) but we need similar logoff property to run a
logoff script.

We would like to add logon and logoff scripts on the
server to track client logons/logoffs - implement once on
the server instead of implementing on all client
microsoft.public.win2000.security news group, Archcol
Is it possible to implement a Domain Script on a server
(Win2K server / Active Directory) to initiate the
logon/logoff script each time a domain client logs on/off
of the domain?

Read the first link again, only this time, apply the policy at the
domain or OU level.