Logon issue following upgrade from Win2K to XP Pro


Ken K

WinXP SP2 with all updates

I am a little late to the game; I had been using Win2K on my wife's and
my computers until she needed to upgrade to XP.
The upgrade went very smoothly and after I loaded all of the chipset
drivers, it is reasonably quick.

In Win2K, there were two user profiles, hers as administrator and mine
as power user with all privileges. The logon always came up with
Adminstrator waiting for a password. Following the upgrade, the first
logon was Administrator, then on a reboot, suddenly my profile, K, was
there. I Ctrl-Alt-Del x2 and logged on as Administrator. I went into
System, Advanced, User Profiles and deleted my profile. When I rebooted,
it still came up as K waiting for a password. When I checked under
Control Panel, System, Advanced, User Profiles, only J\administrator was
there; my profile was not. I double-checked in my root directory and
the only entries under c:\documents and settings are Administrator, All
users, and Default user; the K is gone, as it should be. However, when
I go into Control Panel, User Profiles, there are three profiles:
Administrator, K, and Guest.

I find this very confusing. First, I would like to know why my profile
is still there after I deleted it, and second, how do I change things so
that once again the Logon window displays Adminstrator?

Thanks very much,
Ken K


Thier is a setting in regedit to have "administrator" as a user option to
xp but by default must be edited to do so.On all xp OS by default the only
to enter xp as adm. is by tapping F8 at start up,safe mode,select
to enter xp.Once in xp,if you edit user accounts,etc restart pc,back in
see that the account is edited.Thier is a major diffrence in xp between
tors,and the "administrator" the s makes alot of diffrence..

Ken K

I explored around a little bit, went into Control Panel, Administrative
tools, Computer management, Local Users and Groups, and opened Users. I
found the Properties for K in the Users and saw that there was a
checkbox for disabling the account. Clicking that did what I wanted.
I could not find any documentation for that....!


Andrew E. said the following on 12/16/2006 9:08 PM:

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