Windows XP logon denied after renaming administrator adn changing pwd

Sep 14, 2005
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bought a notebook through ebay. The seller had (appearantly fresh installation of Win2000 SP4) an automatic logon using the default Administrator as account and blank password.
I surfed through all settings and then using the ControlPanel/Users and Passwords / Advanced dialog, changed the Administrator name to a custom name and also clicking the right mouse button also set a password. What was strange to me at that momnet was that the dialog that allows to set a password, did not ask for the old password. Anyway, I gave it a 10-character password, and finally restarted the machine.
When the notebook then restarted, it prompted that the system could not logon and still showed me the Administrator as account. I used the new name and new password - but upps again denied. I tried then all possible combinations like old name and new password, new name and old password - nothing works.
Of course, I could re-install the whole thing, but the notebook doesn't havbe a CD drive, so the whole thing really will become messy.

Do you guys have any idea what is happening and why the system is rejecting all cobinations of user/passwrd that I can think of (btw, I really think that I am spelling correctly user and password).

Your help will hih´ghly be appreciated.

P.S. the logon dialog does not show a domain, it's stand-alone.

Thanks very much in advance for anything that would put me into the right direction
