Login to MCP site and .NET



OK, I don't know if this is the right room to ask this in but here goes.

I have 2 hotmail accounts that I have used to login to .NET accessed sites
one of them being the MCP site. I know there has to be a way to do this but
I can't clear them off the computer everytime I go to the MCP site I can hit
the letter "C" and one comes up or the letter "K" and the other comes up. I
want to be able to clear these out permanently. I clear out cookies and
history and all offline fiels already but need to learn how to do this before
I start a new job because I don't want my coworkers to know my hotmail
account names for privacy reasons.


Jon Kennedy

When logging into Hotmail, click the checkbox by "Do not remember my e-mail
address for future sign-in. (Select this when using a public computer.)"

In IE go to Tools...Internet Options...Content tab, Autocomplete button.
Uncheck the boxes there, and click Clear Forms and Clear Passwords. Note:
this will clear all that information from all sites, not just Hotmail.
To clear individual entries in such log-on dialog boxes, click the item to
highlight it and then push the Delete key on your keyboard.



Thanks for the reply but I already do all of those things and its still
there. Its very frustratng. Myabe I can chalk it up to one of those "its
only my machine" problems but I know there has got to be a way to clear it
out. i have even searched the registry for these entries as well.

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