Login box



My website has a protected area that requires members to type in a username
and password to gain entry. When a visitor attempt to go to one of the
protected areas, the browser throws up a dialogue box promting him for a
username and password, after which he can go to any of the protected pages
during that session.

Is it possible to have fields for the username and password on my home page
in FrontPage? If so, how is it done?

I uses FP2000 and 2002.

Thanks in advance,

Steve Easton

Fields in what, for what??

This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer
My website has a protected area that requires members to type in a username
and password to gain entry. When a visitor attempt to go to one of the
protected areas, the browser throws up a dialogue box promting him for a
username and password, after which he can go to any of the protected pages
during that session.

Is it possible to have fields for the username and password on my home page
in FrontPage? If so, how is it done?

I uses FP2000 and 2002.

Thanks in advance,

Jack Brewster

Isidore said:
My website has a protected area that requires members to type in a username
and password to gain entry. When a visitor attempt to go to one of the
protected areas, the browser throws up a dialogue box promting him for a
username and password, after which he can go to any of the protected pages
during that session.

Is it possible to have fields for the username and password on my home page
in FrontPage? If so, how is it done?


Yes, it's possible. I don't believe there's a way to do it within
FrontPage, though. You're probably looking at using a server side scripting
language such as PHP or ASP to accomplish this with a database back-end.
The plus of using a database method is that you don't have to create new
accounts on your server (if you even can...) but it's not as secure as using
Windows' integrated authentication.

Here's one ASP example to give you an idea:

Good luck,

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