Login box keeps popping up

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While viewing most websites, a login box appears. The box says it is
attempting to connect to ads.doubleclick and a few other what seem to be
banner advertisement providers. How do I stop this? I've run Ad-Aware and
Spybot, but they came up with nothing. Is their a setting I need to check
for in IE? I am running XP SP1. This just started happening a few weeks ago
out of the blue. Any help is appreciated.
http://ssmedia.com/Utilities/hosts/ is an interesting read.

Use a "hosts" file http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm

Turn off MS Messenger, (network alerter service / not MSN Messenger - two
different things), in Services, though I think this can effect MS Automatic
updates if I've not misunderstood something somewhere.

Use the no-ads.pac connection/configuration script from

http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm I had to refer to this a while ago
to get something working, somewhere :-)

Of course you still need a good firewall and a/v installed, permanently on
and always up to date.

http://www.toolbar.google.com/ contains a good pop-up blocker.

So there you have, one has to adopt a "multi-layered" apporach to internet
security these days.

In other words, one often goes to ones computer with a specific task in
mind, and ends up reading about, and tweaking ineternet security for several
hours. And then, a few hours after that, one thinks, "Shit! I was going to
print out a couple of photos!"

....Oh! ...and test your security at http://www.grc.com/ ..."Shields Up"

regards, Richard
You could try looking in add/remove programs, sometimes applets from
websites install themselves (and ActiveX controls) - look for things
like Bullseye Network or GAIN, stuff like that. Also look in the
registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
to see if any programs run at startup. Try deleting those which you
don't need.
You can also click start > run and type msconfig to manually select
which programs run when you fire up your PC.
Finally, install XP SP2 and manually disable activex controls you dont
Previous responses relate to techniques I've tried with SOME success but not
This website gives a good explanation but I believe these techniques are for
people who are "techie" oriented.
===>Here is a link to an Oreilly article on how to do this on windows:
Personally I seem to be caught between websites I've BLOCKED and default
cookie handling. I'm still looking for a "reasonably simple" approach.