Hi: In the listbox name lstOpenAccounts there are three hundred values.
In another listbox name lstseldist there are two values but it could be
three or four. Assume from the first listbox name lstOpenAccounts I
select 150 Accounts and in the second list box name lstseldist there
are two name for accounts distribution. If its a 150 values in
lstOpenAccounts then 75 each will be distribute to each name which are
in lstseldist but the program gives 76 to one and 74 to another. Its
total is 150 but the distribution is wrong. The Program goes to Case
Else in function distributeByQuantity but it not distribute values
correctly. Dont know what logic i use so that the accounts will be
distributed correctly. NEEDS HELP
Private Sub cmdAssignAccounts_Click()
Dim multiUserDistCount As Integer
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set AcctsToDist = Nothing
If optEvenDollarDist.Value = True Then
distributeByQuantity (multiUserDistCount)
End If
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
'Calls frmUserReassign
If lstOpenAccounts.SelCount > 0 Then
frmUserReAssign.AcctCol = Nothing
frmUserReAssign.AcctCol = AcctsToDist
Set Criteria.AccountCollection = Nothing
frmUserReAssign.Show vbModal
cmdSelectAll.Caption = "Select All"
End If
End Sub
Public Function FindSelectedListBoxItems(LstBx As Control) As
Dim i As Long
Dim colCollection As New Collection
For i = (LstBx.ListCount - 1) To 0 Step -1
If LstBx.Selected(i) Then
colCollection.Add LstBx.List(i)
End If
Set FindSelectedListBoxItems = colCollection
Set colCollection = Nothing 'New Collection
End Function
Private Sub distributeByQuantity(multiUserDistCount As Integer)
Dim distributeTo As Collection, acctsToDistribute As Collection
Dim i As Integer, c As Integer, x As Integer, j As Integer
Dim account As String, targetAIdIndex As Integer
'Calls function in modProcessingFunctions
Set distributeTo = FindSelectedListBoxItems(lstDist)
Set acctsToDistribute = FindSelectedListBoxItems(lstOpenAccounts)
'Used to maintain correct user
x = 1
j = 1
Set AcctsToDist = New Collection
Select Case multiUserDistCount
Case 0
For i = 1 To acctsToDistribute.Count
account = acctsToDistribute(i)
targetAIdIndex = 0
'get acct location in criteria.accountcollection
Do While targetAIdIndex <= lstOpenAccounts.ListCount
If lstOpenAccounts.List(targetAIdIndex) = account Then
'set j = collection index
j = targetAIdIndex + 1
'exit while loop
targetAIdIndex = lstOpenAccounts.ListCount
End If
targetAIdIndex = targetAIdIndex + 1
'save old assign_id and set new one
Criteria.AccountCollection(j).Old_Assign_Id =
Criteria.AccountCollection(j).Assign_ID =
AcctsToDist.Add (Criteria.AccountCollection(j))
Case Else
'Used to verify each user receives the same amt
c = 0
'distribute each account
For i = 1 To acctsToDistribute.Count
'true when c = multiuserdistcount, goes to next user
If multiUserDistCount = c - 1 Then
c = 0
x = x + 1
End If
account = acctsToDistribute(i)
targetAIdIndex = 0
'get acct location in criteria.accountcollection
Do While targetAIdIndex < lstOpenAccounts.ListCount
If lstOpenAccounts.List(targetAIdIndex) = account
'set j = collection index
j = targetAIdIndex + 1
'exit while loop
targetAIdIndex = lstOpenAccounts.ListCount
End If
targetAIdIndex = targetAIdIndex + 1
Criteria.AccountCollection(j).Old_Assign_Id =
Criteria.AccountCollection(j).Assign_ID =
AcctsToDist.Add Criteria.AccountCollection(j)
'Adds account count to user
c = c + 1
End Select
In another listbox name lstseldist there are two values but it could be
three or four. Assume from the first listbox name lstOpenAccounts I
select 150 Accounts and in the second list box name lstseldist there
are two name for accounts distribution. If its a 150 values in
lstOpenAccounts then 75 each will be distribute to each name which are
in lstseldist but the program gives 76 to one and 74 to another. Its
total is 150 but the distribution is wrong. The Program goes to Case
Else in function distributeByQuantity but it not distribute values
correctly. Dont know what logic i use so that the accounts will be
distributed correctly. NEEDS HELP
Private Sub cmdAssignAccounts_Click()
Dim multiUserDistCount As Integer
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set AcctsToDist = Nothing
If optEvenDollarDist.Value = True Then
distributeByQuantity (multiUserDistCount)
End If
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
'Calls frmUserReassign
If lstOpenAccounts.SelCount > 0 Then
frmUserReAssign.AcctCol = Nothing
frmUserReAssign.AcctCol = AcctsToDist
Set Criteria.AccountCollection = Nothing
frmUserReAssign.Show vbModal
cmdSelectAll.Caption = "Select All"
End If
End Sub
Public Function FindSelectedListBoxItems(LstBx As Control) As
Dim i As Long
Dim colCollection As New Collection
For i = (LstBx.ListCount - 1) To 0 Step -1
If LstBx.Selected(i) Then
colCollection.Add LstBx.List(i)
End If
Set FindSelectedListBoxItems = colCollection
Set colCollection = Nothing 'New Collection
End Function
Private Sub distributeByQuantity(multiUserDistCount As Integer)
Dim distributeTo As Collection, acctsToDistribute As Collection
Dim i As Integer, c As Integer, x As Integer, j As Integer
Dim account As String, targetAIdIndex As Integer
'Calls function in modProcessingFunctions
Set distributeTo = FindSelectedListBoxItems(lstDist)
Set acctsToDistribute = FindSelectedListBoxItems(lstOpenAccounts)
'Used to maintain correct user
x = 1
j = 1
Set AcctsToDist = New Collection
Select Case multiUserDistCount
Case 0
For i = 1 To acctsToDistribute.Count
account = acctsToDistribute(i)
targetAIdIndex = 0
'get acct location in criteria.accountcollection
Do While targetAIdIndex <= lstOpenAccounts.ListCount
If lstOpenAccounts.List(targetAIdIndex) = account Then
'set j = collection index
j = targetAIdIndex + 1
'exit while loop
targetAIdIndex = lstOpenAccounts.ListCount
End If
targetAIdIndex = targetAIdIndex + 1
'save old assign_id and set new one
Criteria.AccountCollection(j).Old_Assign_Id =
Criteria.AccountCollection(j).Assign_ID =
AcctsToDist.Add (Criteria.AccountCollection(j))
Case Else
'Used to verify each user receives the same amt
c = 0
'distribute each account
For i = 1 To acctsToDistribute.Count
'true when c = multiuserdistcount, goes to next user
If multiUserDistCount = c - 1 Then
c = 0
x = x + 1
End If
account = acctsToDistribute(i)
targetAIdIndex = 0
'get acct location in criteria.accountcollection
Do While targetAIdIndex < lstOpenAccounts.ListCount
If lstOpenAccounts.List(targetAIdIndex) = account
'set j = collection index
j = targetAIdIndex + 1
'exit while loop
targetAIdIndex = lstOpenAccounts.ListCount
End If
targetAIdIndex = targetAIdIndex + 1
Criteria.AccountCollection(j).Old_Assign_Id =
Criteria.AccountCollection(j).Assign_ID =
AcctsToDist.Add Criteria.AccountCollection(j)
'Adds account count to user
c = c + 1
End Select