
  • Thread starter Thread starter Joshi
  • Start date Start date


I am developing an application in VB.NET and I require to store all the
information of the Object created during Application life cycle. That
is if there is an error occurance in the Application then the state of
the Application is saved i.e all the values of the Objects which are
present in the application are stored in a file and then the
Application exits. so what do I need to do is find out how many Object
are present in the application and then there values. So varaible may
be private or protected then how to I have access to these variable, I
was told to use ReflectionPermission class but that doesn't seems to be
I am required to perform error logging sort of a thing save all the
data to a file before exiting so that error can be located.

Awating replies from ur side
Thanks for ur help and time
Take a look at System.Diagnostics.StackTrace. I never used it to get all the
values, but it at least gives the location back where the error happened in
your code.
