L laura Aug 23, 2004 #1 I forgot the password to log on to windows 2000. How can I get access to my computer
D Dave Patrick Aug 23, 2004 #2 http://groups.google.com/groups?as_...xm=12&as_maxy=2004&num=100&as_scoring=d&hl=en -- Regards, Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup. Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft MVP [Windows] http://www.microsoft.com/protect : |I forgot the password to log on to windows 2000. How can | I get access to my computer
http://groups.google.com/groups?as_...xm=12&as_maxy=2004&num=100&as_scoring=d&hl=en -- Regards, Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup. Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft MVP [Windows] http://www.microsoft.com/protect : |I forgot the password to log on to windows 2000. How can | I get access to my computer