I've just purchased a new laptop, running Vista. Had a 'bear' of a time
getting Vista configured appropriately to recognize my network. Now that I've
accomplished that, I can't seem to 'log in' to my main file server. This
server was built by my step son and is running FreeBSD. It works
wonderfully.........but the login prompt requires 'only' a user name and
password. Unfortunately, Vista seems to add the machine name
'AcerLaptop/username'......which makes my login attempt invalid. Can anyone
tell me how to tweak Vista to 'remove' that machine name from the login
getting Vista configured appropriately to recognize my network. Now that I've
accomplished that, I can't seem to 'log in' to my main file server. This
server was built by my step son and is running FreeBSD. It works
wonderfully.........but the login prompt requires 'only' a user name and
password. Unfortunately, Vista seems to add the machine name
'AcerLaptop/username'......which makes my login attempt invalid. Can anyone
tell me how to tweak Vista to 'remove' that machine name from the login