Just curious - do people work with log4net with assemblies they put in the
GAC? Without a fully qualified path, where would an assembly in the GAC be
looking? e.g.
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "app.log4net", Watch
= true)]
indicates where to find the log4net config; usually this would be colocated
with the app.
When you put the assembly in the GAC, what is the relative location then?
Is the only option to use fully qualified paths?
GAC? Without a fully qualified path, where would an assembly in the GAC be
looking? e.g.
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "app.log4net", Watch
= true)]
indicates where to find the log4net config; usually this would be colocated
with the app.
When you put the assembly in the GAC, what is the relative location then?
Is the only option to use fully qualified paths?