log on users from group



I have windows xp pro, standalone . I would like to create group Operations
on my pc and add users into that group.
I have done that on following way: computer management - local users and
groups - groups - new group - fill all info about new group and create.
After that i have created new user : computer management - local users and
groups - user - new user - fill info about user and create and repeat same
for each new user.
To add users into group Operations : computer management - local users and
groups - groups - double click on group with name Operations - add - and
each user select from list and users become members of group Operations.
And it looks ok. But.
When I would like to log on, welcome screen display only administrator
account. There are no new created users.
I have tried to assign user rights to group : start - run secpol.msc -
user rights assignmens - log on locally - add group Operations .
But I still have not accounts (users) displayed at welcome screen.
Where I made mistake?

ps : If I put users into Built in group Users everything works fine.

tks in advance

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