pbscott said:
I have a system that has a couple of remote users. However when
remote they are unable to see the domain server (NT4 at present)
Access is via Draytel routers with firewall. Should we ensure that
any ports are open?
I know I wouldn't - too much of a security risk.
My first thought was some sort of VPN they could utilize.
Second was cached logons.
However - I had to finally conclude there wasn't enough information about
the system in question to make any call. Right now we know you have an NT4
domain - but no idea on the client OS level, etc. I would stick with my "I
know I wouldn't" for opening ports if for no other reason than ... NT4.
What are the clients using (in terms of systems/operating system)?
What domain resources do they need access to remotely?
What do *you* mean "... when remote they are unable to see the domain server
(Can you be more descriptive in what they are doing and what they are trying
to accomplish?)