Log on issue



Hello all,i'm using windows xp home with the service pack 2. I just
reformated my pc. When i start up my pc i get a pop up message on the windows
log on screen which says...log on message...windows cannot log you in ..make
sure bla bla bla...I click ok and see the log on window behind this message
which reads...user =Owner..then below is a box to type a password.However i
simply press enter and the system boots up normally.Is there any way to
bypass this annoying log on message and has anyone any idea where the Owner
account came from and can i rename it.
Many thanks for any assistance,


I had this problem with my friends computer. If i am correct it sounds like
an Administrater or Owner issue, he had done nothing yet it would not let him
log in, have you tried booting into safe mode and going into control panel
and looking up user profiles, there should be yours which is active and all
other accounts ideally should be deactivated or disabled. Try that and then

Any probs come back to me on it.


many thanks for the reply paul1...i am a bit wary about deleting the Owner
account which has become the primary account by default rather than design.As
mentioned,i can log on even though the log on message appears as a pop up.I
would prefere to either avoid the log on error message /log on screen,and go
right into windows or change the name of the Owner account to
administrator,without loosing all the data, etc.,in the Owner account. I hope
that doesn't sound too complicated.
ps..is it safe to delete accounts that arn't used, for example,guest accounts.


Hi Again,

By all means you may delete the guest accounts, they are only there for what
they say, if someone wishes to use your computer and you do not wish to give
them full priveledges to all your details then this is when you set up a
guest account. These you may delete.The owner account you are refering to is
either one you have set up or is generally the administrater, you may disable
it, but before that create a system restore then try disabling it, Reboot the
computer and try it then. If that fails then just restore it using system


No luck i'm afraid.Booted in safe mode but it wouldn't let me delete the
guest account or the administrator account.I think the error message.**the
system could not log you on,make sure your user name and domain are
correct..**is where the issue is as i can log on by just clicking ok to that
message and clicking ok again in the log on screen without typing a password.
Many thanks for giving your time and experience.

Steve N.

Paul1 said:
Hi Again,

By all means you may delete the guest accounts, they are only there for what
they say, if someone wishes to use your computer and you do not wish to give
them full priveledges to all your details then this is when you set up a
guest account. These you may delete.

This is a common misconception about the Guest account. It is NOT there
for a human guest to use it is there for administrative and Simple File
Sharing use by the system and it actually has MORE rights than a normal
"limited" account.

Please read here:



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