Log on IP Address change

  • Thread starter Thread starter ichenthil
  • Start date Start date


I am using windows 2000 domain setup. Can i configure the server to
log an event in EventViewer when there is a change in IP address??.
Say a user changed his machine ip, how can i get notified of the same,
through an EventLog message or any other mechanism.

I am using windows 2000 domain setup. Can i configure the server to
log an event in EventViewer when there is a change in IP address??.
Say a user changed his machine ip, how can i get notified of the same,
through an EventLog message or any other mechanism.


Users cannot change their PC's IP address unless you give them
administrative privileges. Do you?

The following batch file will send you an EMail notification each
time a user changes his PC's IP address. It is based on you compiling
a list of IP addresses in this format:

NetBIOSName1 IPAddress1
NetBIOSName2 IPAddress2

You can use any of a number of command line mailers to
get alerted to address changes, e.g. sendmail.exe, blat.exe,

Line1 @echo off
Line2 for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ('ipconfig ^| find /i "IP Address"')
do set current=%%a
Line3 for /F "tokens=2" %%a in ('type \\Server\Netlogon\Addresses.txt ^|
find /i "%ComputerName%"') do set recorded=%%a
Line4 if not %recorded%==%current% blat . . .