Log on changed to 2000 type logon



Was cleaning my computer and decedided to make Users for all my friends, and
for some reason it switched to the regular windows login where u type your
username and password and u can only log off, cant switch users. Was
wondering how to get the screen listing all users to show back up? O on a
side note when windows ask if u want to make your user account files
private... how can u make them public again, decided there was a bunch of
stuff my friends did need on my account after i made it all private lol.



On the logon screen thingy:

Go to Start => Run and type in "regedit" {without the quotes}

Navigate to:
In the right-hand pane look for Dword Value named 'LogonType'
A Value of 0 is the Classic Mode style. A Value of 1 is the XP Welcome
Double-click on LogonType to Modify the decimal Value.
Exit the Registry and Restart your computer.


Hello again,

In Control Panel => User Accounts => Change the way users log on or off
Do you have 'Use the Welcome screen' and 'Use Fast User Switching' both

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