Log in with password

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nicoliani
  • Start date Start date


It just stopped some days ago, before that, when starting the computer for XP
SP3, I was always taken to the start password page to enter my account, or to
choose the guest account.
Now it directly logs in to my account.

I have checked my useraccount settings, and all are set as usual, and set to
log in with a password.
I can temp log off and get into the guest account, while my account is still
active, and log off the guest and come to the start screen where I have to
enter my password, or when the screensaver activates and upon return I need
to enter my password.

I don't know if this started with the latest update of service packs for
XP3, I did some days ago.
Nicoliani said:
It just stopped some days ago, before that, when starting the
computer for XP SP3, I was always taken to the start password page
to enter my account, or to choose the guest account.
Now it directly logs in to my account.

I have checked my useraccount settings, and all are set as usual,
and set to log in with a password.
I can temp log off and get into the guest account, while my account
is still active, and log off the guest and come to the start screen
where I have to enter my password, or when the screensaver
activates and upon return I need to enter my password.

I don't know if this started with the latest update of service
packs for XP3, I did some days ago.

Usually people have the opposite complaint - as it takes effort in most
cases to get Windows XP to automatically logon (other than being the *only*
user account without any other modification and no password) and none to
keep it where you have to enter a password.

First - ensure your account actually has a password. Change it - do not
check to see if it is still there - but change it to something new.

Second - ensure "Users must enter a user name and password to use this
computer" is checked when you do the following:

Start button --> RUN --> type in:
control userpasswords2
--> Click OK.

Under the "Users" tab - first (only?) checkbox - ensure it is checked. OK
your way out.

Get TweakUI and ensure that there is no automatic logon setup...


Download, save and install it. Run it and review method 2:
Ensure that the picture it has *does not match* what you have. You want the
box unchecked. OK your way out.