Log for IE6 errors?



We seem to have a lot or error with IE6 at least 5 to 10 a day, can't track
down the problem and when using other browsers (firefox) we hardly ever get
a error message.. I'm sure there is a log somewhere logging in the errors
but I cannot track it down, it would be a great help in trying to figure out
the problem, I much rather use IE over any other browsers but the error
messages(End now/Send Report) which shuts down IE and you have to start all
over when doing research just makes it very inconvenient to use... can
someone please lead me to this log?? TY


PaulT said:
We seem to have a lot or error with IE6 at least 5 to 10 a day, can't track
down the problem and when using other browsers (firefox) we hardly ever get
a error message.. I'm sure there is a log somewhere logging in the errors
but I cannot track it down, it would be a great help in trying to figure out
the problem, I much rather use IE over any other browsers but the error
messages(End now/Send Report) which shuts down IE and you have to start all
over when doing research just makes it very inconvenient to use... can
someone please lead me to this log?? TY

Hi Paul,
It depends on what OS you are using I will assume you are using XP, Open the
control panel and Click on Adminstrator Tools and there click on Envent
Viewer and you will see all the logs for all Apps, Security, Hardware Errror
Messages with Red Cross/Plus.
Write them down and post them here.
Trying to work out your IE, Disable Add-Ons for Firefox in the IE
properties, to open the IE propeerites Right Click the icon on your Desktop
and select Properties from the drop down menu.
Click on Programs Tab then click on Manage Add-Ons and Disable Firefox there
and other Non-MS IE Add-Ins click Ok after finishing disable these Add-Ons
and Click on Reset Web Settings click OK.

On the Desktop Open the RUN command and type:
Iexplore /rereg click OK and wait for it to finish then Turn OFF your
After 2 Mn Turn ON your Machine On and try IE and see if it behave OK if it
did try Renable Firefox again.
P.S try to be sure that your system is clean from Malwares/Grayware, viruses.

Robert Aldwinckle

Hi Paul,
It depends on what OS you are using I will assume you are using XP,

In fact, nass, to suggest /rereg you're assuming XPsp2. ; )

Open the control panel and Click on Adminstrator Tools and there click on Envent
Viewer and you will see all the logs for all Apps, Security, Hardware Errror
Messages with Red Cross/Plus.
Write them down and post them here.

Another source would be

msinfo32 /category SWEnvWindowsError

Actually I thought there was one which was even more specific to IE
but I'm on IE7b3 right now and don't see what I thought I was remembering.
Use /showcategories to see if there is one under subcategory InternetExplorer.

On the Desktop Open the RUN command and type:
Iexplore /rereg click OK and wait for it to finish then Turn OFF your

Have you noticed any of my posts about the deficiencies in that feature?
The problem is that the distributed ieuinit.inf file has errors in it which
cause its list of re-registrations to be aborted.

You can see these errors for yourself if you execute the contained
list more interactively with the command mentioned in the following

<excerpt from="a previous post">

<example courtesy="Eduardo A. Morcillo [MS MVP VB]">
RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\System32\ieuinit.inf,IE.Repair.ReRegister

Note: I'm thanking Eduardo for his help in finding the correct syntax.
The idea of the command is mine and I don't know for sure if he
endorses it. <w>

Note: in view of the fact that the KB194177 repair is always
done during a boot when no other interference is possible I think it
should be advisable to stop as many other applications (if not services)
as well first but the command does nothing to encourage such an ideal.
Perhaps doing it after a safe mode boot would be a simple, effective

Since that was written we now have this simpler alternative:

<excerpt from="another post">
Instead German MVP Kai Schaetzl has prepared a cmd file
which would allow XPsp2 users to mostly simulate a better version
of the /rereg switch's ieuinit.inf repair script.

I'm not sure if he has modified it for IE7 use completely
or how well it will work with other versions of IE. I don't think it would
hurt to try it in any case. E.g. if a module is referenced which doesn't
exist on a user's machine the cmd file would essentially ignore
that fact.


BTW I think he uses regsvr32's /s (silent) switch to suppress prompts
but it also suppresses any sign of errors from the re-registrations.
Unfortunately I don't know of any way to both capture the errors and
suppress the prompts. One way might be to check the return code
after issuing each command and then echo any unexpected codes
back to the console. Then the user could subsequently rerun any
suspicious ones manually to see their messages. Etc.
Note that this would just be a useful enhancement because neither
of the other repair procedures provide detailed diagnostic info.
for their operation either.


Robert Aldwinckle

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