Locks up

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sarah
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I don't know what else to do.... I've done everything
that is listed on the "acelleration and codecs" page on
papajohn's site, I've even installed more RAM.... And
Because my movie is more than 3 minutes long so far, it
freezes after about a minute of me working on it. I get
no error message, and my mouse can still move. But for
some reason, Movie maker freezes causing me to Alt Ctrl
Del to end process.
I'm upset because I"ve been trying to figure this out for
a long time, and I'm really wanting to continue working
on this video I started.
If anyone has any suggestions, please respond.

Currently have 512 MB of RAM and increased my paging
min/max to 768/1536
Check autosave on MM is not set to keep happening every minute or so.
Does this happen on every project you try to work on or just the one?
Thank you so much for replying :)
I have autosave unchecked.

It seems like the bigger my movie gets, the less time it
take to freeze.

What upsets me is that I just spent $50 on a stick of
memory that didn't make a bit of difference.

Any other suggestions?
How about the "any other movies" bit of my question? It may be that there is
a small error in your movie and by starting a fresh project and just adding
clips and seeing if the same thing happens will rule out a problem with the
project or not.
No... it's every project. I tried movie maker on my
mom's computer today and the same thing happened... it
hangs after about 5 minutes of working on the project.
One thing I did notice on my mom's computer: when I watch
my performance on Task manager, right before the freeze
on mm2 the cpu usage was up to 100.
I'm afraid I'm out of ideas, but I'll do some reading and see if I can find