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I've downloaded the lockoutstatus.exe tool in order to
reset passwords on multiple DCs more quickly and unlock
accounts. But the problem is that I can never reset the
password I get an error that states I haven't met the
password complexity requirements. But in fact I have. I
have it installed on Windows 2000 professional and we have
about 12 DCs in the domain using Active Directory. I can
unlock with the tool, but I can't use it to reset a
Are you sure you type a password that met the password complexity
requirements in your domain?

Christoffer Andersson
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services

No email replies please - reply in the newsgroup
I've downloaded the lockoutstatus.exe tool in order to
reset passwords on multiple DCs more quickly and unlock
accounts. But the problem is that I can never reset the
password I get an error that states I haven't met the
password complexity requirements. But in fact I have. I
have it installed on Windows 2000 professional and we have
about 12 DCs in the domain using Active Directory. I can
unlock with the tool, but I can't use it to reset a

Try the following:

@echo off
If {%1}=={} goto syntax
if {%2}=={} goto unl
for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=\" %%t in ('@echo %1') do (
net user %%u %2 /domain
LockoutStatus -u:%1
goto :EOF
@echo Syntax: UnlockReset Domain\UserName [password]

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

I assume that you have also registered the acctinfo.dll? This is a very
nice tool!

I've registered all the tools and reinstalled twice. Our password complexity
is set up so that a user must use a combination of upper case, lower case, a
number and a special character. And it has to be 8 characters. I try to
reset a password to Dog$2005 and I get the error that says I haven't met the
complexity requirements and to check blah, blah,. The other strange thing is
that I tried a blank password and it went through! ? I use the gui version
of the tool. I haven't tried the command line part of the tool.
This tool, if I can get it to work, would be a great time saver for me.
I noticed in the latest release of the tool, it addresses two major fixes,
one of which sounds an awful lot like what I'm experiencing. Could it be
that when I uninstalled the previous version, it didn't completely uninstall?
This sounds a bit weird.

A blank password was allowed? Hard to believe. For the Dog$2005 try
D0g$2oo5 and see it that works. That would be the capital letter D followed
by the number 0 and the lower case letter G followed by the dollar sign
followed by two lower letters o and the number 5.
