Up front I will state that Excel's password protection can be broken quite
easily by many password-cracker programs.
There are three types of protection and passwording(4 if you count VBA
Sheet Protection is what you need to "lock" or "unlock" cells for editing.
Protecting elements from all users. You can prevent users from inserting,
deleting, and formatting rows and columns, from changing the contents of
locked cells, and from moving the cursor to cells that are locked or to cells
that are unlocked.
Each sheet must be done individually unless you use a Macro.
Workbook Protection is used to lock the structure.
You can prevent users from adding or deleting worksheets, or displaying hidden
worksheets. You can also prevent users from changing the sizes or positions of
the windows you set up to display a workbook. These protections apply to the
entire workbook. This does not protect the sheet from editing.
Then there is File Protection. You put a password on the file so it cannot be
opened with out the PW.
To prevent anyone from viewing an Excel file you need to password-protect the
file from being opened in the first place.
XL97.....File>Save As>Options>Password to open
XL2002...File>Save As>Tools>General Options>Password to open
Gord Dibben Excel MVP