The protection for each toolbar/menu has to be set independently. Settings
for one does not affect any others.
With third party toolbars each one is different. Some may lock themselves,
so may specify a specific positioning. You would have to run code to lock
each one and only after each one was established. So the code would have
to run at some point after all Outlook startup was completed, which pretty
much means running it manually every time you start up.
Properly written code does not persist toolbars so each time Outlook
starts the toolbars are created and the are destroyed each time you shut
down. So settings in one session will be gone in the next Outlook session.
You also have separate settings for each open folder view (Explorer) and
each open item (Inspector). Every time an item is opened the code would
have to run if you want to persist positioning of toolbars for open items.
So the drill would be:
1. Open Outlook or an item or a new window to view a folder.
2. After startup is complete position each toolbar where you want it.
3. Run the code to lock the toolbars.
This would have to be repeated each time you opened Outlook or a new
folder window or any item.
I'd say the work involved isn't worth it.
A macro to do this would look something like this:
Sub SetToolbars()
Dim oBars As Office.CommandBars
Dim oBar As Office.CommandBar
' for items it would be Application.ActiveInspector.CommandBars
Set oBars = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars
For Each oBar In oBars
oBar.Protection = msoBarNoChangeDock + msoBarNoChangeVisible _
+ msoBarNoCustomize + msoBarNoMove + msoBarNoResize
End Sub
You'd have to decide which of those protections you wanted applied, that
would be up to you.