locking table and or cell margins



I have two tables on my webpage. The top is a single row
and single column which simply contains my navigation bar
(picture). The bottom table consists of one row and two
colums. When I publish the site, the contents of the
lower table seem to shift two far left or not far enough
left, thus making the top table (navigation bar) not line
up with the contents. I am trying to lock the margins on
the table so my webpage does not keep shifting to the
right or left when I publish them. I have tried to select
center in the cell and table properties, as well as right
and left. Still, they seem to shift about. Any
suggestions? My goal is to have my page centered so that
when viewing, it will always be in the center of the
page, even if a visitor is viewing with their favorites

Thank you


Thomas A. Rowe

There is no method in HTML to do this.

Select the table, right click properties, and set the alignment to Center.

If you view my site below, it should always appear centered in your browser.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Your site is exactly what I am trying to do. I was able
to center everything, but the top table keeps getting
unaligned from the bottom table. Is it because the tables
are not consolodated as one. In otherwords, I have a
return character between the two tables.


Thomas A. Rowe

It is easier to have single based table and then insert additional table
into it, then you only have center the base table.

However, you still should be able to center your individual table as well,
whether or not you have return between them. Switch to HTML view and look
for any:

<div align="left">
<table> </table>

Delete the following tags:

<div align="left">


Then switch back to Normal View and select the table, then under properties,
set the alignment to center.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Jon Spivey

Just personal preference but to do something like your
site I'd set margins with CSS, eg
<style type="text/css">
margin: 10px 5%;
this does exactly the same as putting your content inside
a 90% centred table it just does away with 1 table. Also
if you ever wanted to change your site design say to 80%
centred etc you'd just need to change 1 line in a
stylesheet rather than edit your main table on every page.

Microsoft MVP - FP


Hi Craig,
Place the two tables inside a third. They will center to the outside table
which you can place anywhere.

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