Locking Font Size



Is there a way to lock font sizes in FP websites? I don't need to lock the
small fonts but I would like to lock larger fonts like 24pt, and I don't want
to make it an image file. Thanks.


Thanks Murray, I assume you are speaking of just FP (which I asked), yet on
sites like BBC.com they have locked their fonts there, and I've seen other
sites too. Maybe I should have asked what html editors do support locking
fonts? Any suggestions anyone?

Tom Pepper Willett

Google for "locking web page text size" or words to that effect. You'll
come up with some answers, such as:


It's done with css scripting. Not a html editor.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
How to ask a newsgroup question:
| Thanks Murray, I assume you are speaking of just FP (which I asked), yet
| sites like BBC.com they have locked their fonts there, and I've seen other
| sites too. Maybe I should have asked what html editors do support locking
| fonts? Any suggestions anyone?
| "Murray" wrote:
| > There's no way.
| >
| > --
| > Murray
| > ============
| >
| > | > > Is there a way to lock font sizes in FP websites? I don't need to
| > > the
| > > small fonts but I would like to lock larger fonts like 24pt, and I
| > > want
| > > to make it an image file. Thanks.
| >
| >
| >


Nope, nope, nope. There is no way to lock text sizes. Any modern browser
(except IE) can resize all text out of the box. Even IE can if you enable
the accessability options. CSS cannot prevent it.

Take a look at BBC using Firefox and resize the text.

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