I found several postings regarding this topic but scattered responses that
didn't really understand, address or answer the issue I have.
Here is the issue:
I have a large number of clients who invest a great deal in design template
creation/branding and expect PowerPoint to provide branding control via
SlideMasters or other PowerPoint features. In transition from 2003 to 2007,
PowerPoint seems to actually be less 'Enterprise' friendly. Our Slide Manager
product tries to solve these issues once a design template is created but
ultimately is limited by PowerPoint's functionality.
Company creates a great design template, SlideMaster with Theme. They
distribute this *.potx file and tell employees and slide creators to begin
each presentation creation project with this *.POTX file (or confusing and
more limited * .thmx file.) (Don’t worry trying to clarify my ignorance of
..potx vs .thmx… I’ll work on that later… focus on my primary question)
However, as most moderately experienced Office user is want to do, user x
looks at the menu/tabs selects 'Design' and sees the ribbon with all the
cool 'Themes' and wants to try them all….. this wiping out all the
investment ina standard corporate brand/look and feel.
While this scenario was possible in 2003/XP it was a bit hidden in the task
pane. But in 2007, seeing all the cool themes so visible in the ribbon,
previewing them and clicking them is so enticing, sexy and easy... but if
they do.... wham there goes your whole corporate look and feel and attempt to
impose a consistent design.
My question, as I believe others have tried to post here (without proper
understanding or actionable response) is:
If an enterprise has created a design/slidemaster/theme.... and they give
users a copy of the potx for them to create their own slides with, what is to
keep them from selecting the design tab, viewing the large theme gallery,
selecting a new theme, and thus obliterating the attempt to impose corporate
QUESTION: >>!! Is there a way to allow people to create their own slides
while limiting their ability to change the theme? !!<<
didn't really understand, address or answer the issue I have.
Here is the issue:
I have a large number of clients who invest a great deal in design template
creation/branding and expect PowerPoint to provide branding control via
SlideMasters or other PowerPoint features. In transition from 2003 to 2007,
PowerPoint seems to actually be less 'Enterprise' friendly. Our Slide Manager
product tries to solve these issues once a design template is created but
ultimately is limited by PowerPoint's functionality.
Company creates a great design template, SlideMaster with Theme. They
distribute this *.potx file and tell employees and slide creators to begin
each presentation creation project with this *.POTX file (or confusing and
more limited * .thmx file.) (Don’t worry trying to clarify my ignorance of
..potx vs .thmx… I’ll work on that later… focus on my primary question)
However, as most moderately experienced Office user is want to do, user x
looks at the menu/tabs selects 'Design' and sees the ribbon with all the
cool 'Themes' and wants to try them all….. this wiping out all the
investment ina standard corporate brand/look and feel.
While this scenario was possible in 2003/XP it was a bit hidden in the task
pane. But in 2007, seeing all the cool themes so visible in the ribbon,
previewing them and clicking them is so enticing, sexy and easy... but if
they do.... wham there goes your whole corporate look and feel and attempt to
impose a consistent design.
My question, as I believe others have tried to post here (without proper
understanding or actionable response) is:
If an enterprise has created a design/slidemaster/theme.... and they give
users a copy of the potx for them to create their own slides with, what is to
keep them from selecting the design tab, viewing the large theme gallery,
selecting a new theme, and thus obliterating the attempt to impose corporate
QUESTION: >>!! Is there a way to allow people to create their own slides
while limiting their ability to change the theme? !!<<