Locking background to slide



I have two problems. 1. My powerpoint presentation is more then 700 mgbs so
it won't quite fit on a CD. Is it possible to bring down the file size about
30 mgbs without deleting any slides.? 2. I tried to split the presentation
into two parts by copying half the slides and pasting them into a new
presentation but the backgrounds that I carefully picked didn't carry over.
How do I get the individual backgrounds for each slide to lock to that slide
so when I paste the slides into the new presentation they stay in place?

Kathy J

For your first problem:
Check out this page of Steve Rindsberg's PPT FAQ site:
Why are my PowerPoint files so big? What can I do about it?

(Personally, I would start with the advice to turn off Fast Saves and
re-save the presentation under a new name. Then, look at the advice for
shrinking the picture resolution, etc.)

For your second problem:
Instead of copying the slides to a new presentation file, save a copy of the
file. In the original file, get rid of the second half of the presentation
and save it with a new name. In the second half get rid of the first half of
the file. You will now have the whole file (your original) and the two
pieces. When you make changes to the slides, do them in the original file
and recreate the copies. As a final step, check out the linking tutorial on
TAJ Simmon's site:

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
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