bodhi said:
See Flopps, to go back to our previous thread, I would rather have these people put down than a cat/dog/snake/etc.
Bloody hell, you still bangin' on about that?
Ok, look, let me reiterate: I do not favour the death of animals and neither do I wish to be drawn into an argument where you try and make it appear that I favour the death of animals over human beings that most of us agree we would prefer dead.
I simply said I found it funny a Boa Constrictor munched a cat for lunch and I also stated I'm rather fond of human beings.
And let me repeat that anybody who states 'Animals are much nicer than humans' is immediately suspect to me. An animal, mostly, follows instinct and whatever affection some are shown, some respond to.
Humans have freewill and humans also take a lottery when their parents are chosen for them, parents that will greatly influence that individual's life.
So don't 'See Flops' me, you're only looking to try and score points and I thought, by your own statement, we'd finished there.
If you want to carry on rucking over Wilbur being dined on Al Fresco, fine, I'll carry on, but I think that one has run it's course.