Lockerbie Bomber

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See, there is no God, just ignorant Men.

Let me see, there were more protests about letting Ronnie Biggs out of jail than there were about releasing this mass-murderer.

Sometimes I just scratch my head and wonder.

Ronnie Biggs was a pathetic little South London hood who got lucky and robbed the right mail train. He was seriously ill when he was released and he was not released without protest and misgivings.

This terrorist should, in my opinion, have been thrown from an aircraft over Lockerbie without a parachute, terminal cancer or no.

Our troops are constantly being killed in the Middle East to suppress the likes of that bastard.

Ho hum.
floppybootstomp said:
Let me see, there were more protests about letting Ronnie Biggs out of jail than there were about releasing this mass-murderer.

Sometimes I just scratch my head and wonder.

Ronnie Biggs was a pathetic little South London hood who got lucky and robbed the right mail train. He was seriously ill when he was released and he was not released without protest and misgivings.

This terrorist should, in my opinion, have been thrown from an aircraft over Lockerbie without a parachute, terminal cancer or no.

Our troops are constantly being killed in the Middle East to suppress the likes of that bastard.

Ho hum.

I agree with you, the barstuard should have been strung up by his b###s:mad:
I find it very strange indeed that he is the only person to have been caught and convicted of the crime.
Abarbarian said:
I find it very strange indeed that he is the only person to have been caught and convicted of the crime.

Why? They haven't caught Osama Bin Liner yet.

Or are you one of those theorists who believe all terrorist activities are the works of subversive elements within the Goverment to divide and rule or to manipulate politics to their own ends?
floppybootstomp said:
Why? They haven't caught Osama Bin Liner yet.

Or are you one of those theorists who believe all terrorist activities are the works of subversive elements within the Goverment to divide and rule or to manipulate politics to their own ends?

Your ability to look at the simplest of statements and evolve some fanciful and esoterik assumptions from it keeps me constantly amused.

I do not belive that the guy operated alone, so I find it strange that he is the only person to have been caught and imprisioned in the last twenty years.

Abarbarian said:
Your ability to look at the simplest of statements and evolve some fanciful and esoterik assumptions from it keeps me constantly amused.

I aim to please :D

Big Hairy Northerner said:
I do not belive that the guy operated alone, so I find it strange that he is the only person to have been caught and imprisioned in the last twenty years.


I'll be very honest here, I am not at all familiar with the story behind his arrest and conviction.

I do hear on the news that he's always proclaimed his innocence and although I wouldn't place too much truck with that, I do find it unlikely that one man alone could be responsible for such an act of terrorism.

But, given our police force's record at that time for making arrests just to appease the public, as in the case of many innocent Irishmen being arrested as IRA terrorists, it certainly makes me wonder.
Whatever the case, he didn't murder alone, but he's the only one that's been caught. So in my opinion he should have been left in jail to rot to death. He's a scum bag and the fact that people in his homeland gave him a 'hero's welcome' says more about them than anything else. Bunch of horrible 'human' beings.

See Flopps, to go back to our previous thread, I would rather have these people put down than a cat/dog/snake/etc.
bodhi said:
See Flopps, to go back to our previous thread, I would rather have these people put down than a cat/dog/snake/etc.

Bloody hell, you still bangin' on about that?

Ok, look, let me reiterate: I do not favour the death of animals and neither do I wish to be drawn into an argument where you try and make it appear that I favour the death of animals over human beings that most of us agree we would prefer dead.

I simply said I found it funny a Boa Constrictor munched a cat for lunch and I also stated I'm rather fond of human beings.

And let me repeat that anybody who states 'Animals are much nicer than humans' is immediately suspect to me. An animal, mostly, follows instinct and whatever affection some are shown, some respond to.

Humans have freewill and humans also take a lottery when their parents are chosen for them, parents that will greatly influence that individual's life.

So don't 'See Flops' me, you're only looking to try and score points and I thought, by your own statement, we'd finished there.

If you want to carry on rucking over Wilbur being dined on Al Fresco, fine, I'll carry on, but I think that one has run it's course.
bodhi said:
Haha, I knew you would bite!! ;-)

And in my opinion posting a comment with the sole intention of wanting somebody to "bite" on a subject where so many people died is just plain bl**dy sick if you ask me...:mad: I'm definately not impressed...
I didn't post it with the intention of making him bite actually. I posted it when I was so drunk last night that I don't even remember.

Flopps seemed a bit annoyed that I'd mentioned the snake thing again, so I tried to make light of it to smooth things over. I'm definitely not trying to upset anyone.

As for your comments Madx, I started this thread because I was disgusted with the Scotland for letting this guy go. I am Scottish, I know people that were affected by this, so I couldn't care less whether or not you are 'impressed'.
Is that the best you can do bodhi?

First admitting to being deliberately provocative and then mocking me for 'biting'.


And what the hell has being Scottish to do with being angry at the release of the terrorist? Because the plane came down on Scottish soil? Had the bomb gone off a couple of minutes earlier it would have come down in England. The soil it fell on has nothing to do with the heinous nature of the crime. Misplaced Nationalism.

As a matter of interest, I filled up with petrol at Lockerbie just a few days before the disaster, I still have the filling station receipt somewhere. Chilling.
That is pretty chilling, I have to say.

It's not misplaced nationalism, I know fellow Scots who were affected by this. It's not just because it came down in Scotland, it's because it affected people I know who are Scottish. I wouldn't have thought the crime was any worse if it came down in England, or if I didn't know anyone that was affected.

I wasn't mocking you for biting, if you read the comment above I was trying to make light of it to stop this getting out of hand or turning into an argument. Although it would appear that some people on here are pretty keen to argue. And I'm not even going to entertain your 'pathetic' comment.
give me a good reason to un-lock this thread

muckshifter said:
give me a good reason to un-lock this thread


None at all - I very nearly locked it myself. Seems a lot of 'hate' threads end up this way.
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