Over the last few years I've been compiling a db using Office 95, then 97 and
more recently finished it using 2000. My problem is this... I passed it to a
friend to "try out" to make sure it would work, but when he e-mailed it backI
couldn't get in. The error message I know get is ---
"you do not have the necessary permissions to access to use "file.mdb"
object. Have your system admin or the person who created the object establish
the appropriate permissions for you."
I created it, my friend tested it and neither of us have played with the
security settings. It may only be 10 meg in size, but it's 4 1/2 years
work.... any ideas how I can get round this?
more recently finished it using 2000. My problem is this... I passed it to a
friend to "try out" to make sure it would work, but when he e-mailed it backI
couldn't get in. The error message I know get is ---
"you do not have the necessary permissions to access to use "file.mdb"
object. Have your system admin or the person who created the object establish
the appropriate permissions for you."
I created it, my friend tested it and neither of us have played with the
security settings. It may only be 10 meg in size, but it's 4 1/2 years
work.... any ideas how I can get round this?