Locked Form with Synchronized Combo Boxes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joy
  • Start date Start date


Hi -

I have a form that has a combo box that lets you find a Client record. It
worked fine, until I added more functionality.

I added the feature where having picked a client, it loads a second combo
box with only the Notes pertaining to that client.

The idea was, that first you picked a client from the client, it displays
the client, and if you want to see his notes, you go to the second combo
box, select a note from the combo box and then a new form opens up with the
Note you want to see. This resulted in my form locking. I cannot enter

Q: Did it lock because I requested it to load the related Notes into the
second combo box?

Q: Is it possible to pick a Client, display the Client and pick the Note
all on the same form?

If not, how should I go about it??? I would like some pointers in form
design, if you wouldn't mind.

Thanks for your assistance -- I thought I was doing real well -- hope to
clear this hurdle!

Having two combo boxes in and of itself would not usually cause the form to
lock. But "lock" can mean many different things, so please explain what it
means in this context.

Is the query that is the form's RecordSource updatable? If not, you won't be
able to select any items from the combo boxes if the combo boxes are bound
to fields in the query.

Post the SQL statements of the two combo boxes' Row Sources. Also post the
code that you're using to "filter" the second combo box. Also post the
Control Source values for each combo box.

Is the form's AllowEdits property set to Yes?

There are many other possible causes, but more information is needed before
we explore those.