I want to lockdown a couple PCs, and as many different users use them, they
have many different log on accounts, so i will need to lock the PC down
If i create a OU, place the 2 PCs in here and modify the computer
configuration section of GPO, this will effect anyone logging onto the PC.
Problem i got is what happens if an administrator wants to log on and
perform tasks, the PC is still locked down.
is there a better way of doing this, ie) preventing any users apart from
admins, from doing things on the 2 PCs??
have many different log on accounts, so i will need to lock the PC down
If i create a OU, place the 2 PCs in here and modify the computer
configuration section of GPO, this will effect anyone logging onto the PC.
Problem i got is what happens if an administrator wants to log on and
perform tasks, the PC is still locked down.
is there a better way of doing this, ie) preventing any users apart from
admins, from doing things on the 2 PCs??