Windows XP Lock User Out and Other User Stuff

Oct 30, 2005
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I am currently running Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP2. I am in the process of creating this one machine for many users. However i feel the user settings are somewhat limited. I have recently discovered the windows that comes up if you put "control password2" into the run box.

I need to know how to lock one user out of the computer - (i know how to do this with XP Proffessional but not with HE)

Any other user settings, password settings or things to do with groups infomation (apart from the obvious stuff under control panel) would be much apprecited!
... no Windows is user secure

greenjm90 said:
If you know of any other FREE software that would do the trick, please also let me know!

Thanks but no thanks! I've had problems with Linux before. You obviously think very highly of Linux!