Lock Symbol Missing



When I go to a secure website, I get the pop-up message
that has a lock on the left side, "you are about to view
pages over a secure connection. any information you
exchange with this site cannot be viewed...". But, there
is no lock symbol on the bottom of my screen, and there
is never a lock symbol there. I went onto the Microsoft
Website, and did a check of my security-- it is fine. I
just wondered why I don't have the lock symbol anymore?
Thanks! I have Windows XP Home if this helps. I also
have the latest version of Norton Internet Security.


Stupid me. I figured it out. I had adjusted the window
size so that the lock toolbar message was not seen on the
screen. Someone may find my solution helpful!

john o'sullivan

I have identical problem with win98 but resizing does not help even though
it developed shortly after I had used a full screen.stucain

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