Lock Slides

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Does anyone know if it is possible to disable the ability to advance slides
with the click of a mouse. I know that individual timing can be set on
slides, but is there a way to have slides advance ONLY by timing. In other
words, I want to be able to send out a PowerPoint in which the viewers have
no way of advancing through the slides faster than I want them to.

Any suggestions? I've already suggested to my coworkers that we record the
presentation into Camtasia and just distribute it as a WMV, but they are set
on distributing in PowerPoint.

Thanks for any help!
Market research girl,
You can rehearse a timing using the rehearse timing button in the slide
sorter view. Once you have recorded the timing and opted to use it
automatically by choosing yes when asked, go to Slide show - setup show -
click on the radio button next to browsed at a kiosk. No navigation either
with the mouse or the keyboard will be possible, the timing you applied will
be used. Alternatively you can provide the user with an action button to
progress from slide to slide (put the button in the master). That way, one
only can navigate using the button, and not by just clicking on the slide.
Thanks for the help!

Luc said:
Market research girl,
You can rehearse a timing using the rehearse timing button in the slide
sorter view. Once you have recorded the timing and opted to use it
automatically by choosing yes when asked, go to Slide show - setup show -
click on the radio button next to browsed at a kiosk. No navigation either
with the mouse or the keyboard will be possible, the timing you applied will
be used. Alternatively you can provide the user with an action button to
progress from slide to slide (put the button in the master). That way, one
only can navigate using the button, and not by just clicking on the slide.
Hi Luc

I found the article about using timing, but want a way just to disable the
"advance to next slide" mouse click trigger.

I use Powerpoint to mock up web sites (it's actually great for it!)
As I go through my "presentation" checking I've got the flow right and
remembered where I need to put all the links, the slide will advance if I
click on anything that doesn't have an associated hyperlink. It's very
simple - I just don't want it to do this. I'm happy to continue to use
spacebar etc for next slide advance, just NOT the mouse click.

Any ideas??

I don't think you can do what you're after. But if you set the show to run in
Kiosk mode (Slide Show, Set Up Show ...) PPT won't advance on mouseclicks except
when you click on shapes that you've assigned action settings to. It also
disables the keyboard except for the ESC key.

So you'd lose the ability to use spacebar to move the presentation forward, but
could create a link on each slide to move forward/back; it could be invisible if
you like.
Thanks Steve (and also Echo!)
That actually does the job perfectly ... I got distracted by all the stuff
about putting in timings etc etc, but the simple "kiosk" mode without any of
that works very nicely.

Anyone else looked at Powerpoint as a web-builder?

With Joomla etc out there on the OS side, it would be great to have more of
a dedicated web-building capability built onto the PPT foundation. I don't
think it would need much more than currently exists. What do you reckon?
Thanks Steve (and also Echo!)
That actually does the job perfectly ... I got distracted by all the stuff
about putting in timings etc etc, but the simple "kiosk" mode without any of
that works very nicely.

Anyone else looked at Powerpoint as a web-builder?

I know other people have used it for application and web site prototyping.
PPT itself will export a web-based version of your presentations, one that does a
pretty amazing job of preserving animations and other effects, but it's not really
the tool for building an entire site, I don't think.

If you want to build content in PPT but wrap it in your own html so you can control
the look and behavior with your own CSS and such, have a look at our PPTools
PPT2HTML: http://www.pptools.com/ppt2html/

The support guy at PPTools (that'd be me) would be happy to answer any questions you
have about it. steve at-sign pptools dot com